In zen cart How to restrict my employees to just maintaining products and processing orders, and stop them from changing configuration settings?
At the moment Zen Cart gives all Admin users access to all functions, though this will be subject to review for Zen Cart 1.6. Until then, there is a 3rd party add-on, Admin Profiles, available in the downloads section that can restrict user access to specfic functions on a user-by-user basis.
In zencart How to add a category, subcategory or product?
Creating a category
Login to your admin panel, point your cursor at Catalog in the top menu. Choose Categories/Products from the drop down menu.On the next page click the new category button.
On the next page fill in:
enter the Category Name
categories description
upload an image if desired
enter the sort order
click the save button
Note: A category can hold sub-categories or products, but not both at the same level.
Creating a product
Login to your admin panel, point your cursor at Catalog in the top menu. Choose Categories/Products from the drop down menu.Click the folder icon for the category you wish to add to.
On the next page click the new product button.
Fill in the information on this page and click the preview button
On the next screen click the insert button
You now have a category with a product
Creating a subcategory
Login to your admin panel, point your cursor at Catalog in the top menu. Choose Categories/Products from the drop down menu.Click the folder icon for the category you wish to add to.
On the next page click the new category button.
On the next page fill in:
enter the Category Name
categories description
upload an image if desired
enter the sort order
click the save button
Note: Subcategories can hold sub-subcategories or products, but not both at the same level.
In zen cart How to add attributes to my products?
by Ajeh - Linda McGrath
There are 3 parts to attributes:
a) Order (This is the sort order the Option Name displays on the screen.)
b) Select an Option Type:
On some Option Names, based on the Type ... there are more settings if you Edit the Option Name:
For Option Type TEXT:
For Option Type Radio buttons and checkboxes:
a) Pick the Option Name
b) Give a Name like Red
c) Give a default Sort Order
The sort order is used if you want to globably sort your Option Values to match otherwise you can set these manually per product or later update a product, category or whole store.
And then set the Option Values for these like:
Using the Default Sort Order on these values will help you later in getting them into a nice display on the product pages.
Example, to create the Option Values for the Option Name Color:
Option Name Color
Option Value Red
Option Sort Order 10
Option Name Color
Option Value Orange
Option Sort Order 20
Option Name Color
Option Value Yellow
Option Sort Order 30
Option Name Color
Option Value Green
Option Sort Order 40
Option Name Color
Option Value Blue
Option Sort Order 50
Option Name Color
Option Value Purple
Option Sort Order 60
Option Name Color
Option Value Brown
Option Sort Order 70
Option Name Color
Option Value Black
Option Sort Order 80
Option Name Color
Option Value White
Option Sort Order 90
It is also a good idea to make a Default Option Value that the Customer cannot add to the cart to force the Customer to make a proper choice with:
Option Name Color
Option Value Pick a Color from Below (or something that suits your site best)
Option Sort Order 0
Default Attribute to be Marked Selected: YES
Use for Display Purposes Only: YES
Adding the Attributes to the Products
So now to add them to the products.
This is done via the Attributes Controller
a) Select a Product to add Attributes to
You can look up a product in a couple ways ...
- Either pick a Category or a Product
- When you pick a category, the ones with a * have products in them and this will display the first product Previous/Next
- When you pick a product, click display ... this sets the category to this product's master category id ... so you can now use the Previous/Next if you like.
b) Add the Attribute Option Name+Value Pairs
Once the Product is displayed that you want to add attributes to ... go to the Add Attributes box
- The Product Name should already be selected.
1. Now select the Option Name
2. Next select a matching Option Value, notice they say what kind of Option Type you have selected. ie: Blue [COLOR]
You will notice the Option Values say their names and next to them the Option Name that they match to.
3. Depending on what you want to do with attributes there are several methods to price, add weight, sort order, and mark the type of attribute this is.
Price can be entered with a prefix of + or - or blank.
+ and blank will add the attribute price
- will subtract the attribute price
Weight can be entered optionally if it effects the product weight with a prefix of + or - or blank.
+ and blank will add the attribute weight
- will subtract the attribute weight
There are other pricing options also available besides the standard prices.
4. Then there are the Attribute Flags in the colored boxes.
These are used to help distinguish other features of the attribute such as:
6. Be sure to click Add to add the newly-defined Attribute.
You can always edit or delete them after adding.
When done ... you can update the sort orders for the product to the Option Value sort order by pressing the button at the top of the page.
Note: if you plan on using downloads, be sure you have configured your Attribute Settings for the files. See Admin -> Configuration -> Attribute Settings.
Follow this link: to an FAQ on configuring downloadable attributes.
There are 3 parts to attributes:
- Option Name
- Option Value
- Attribute on the product
Admin -> Catalog -> Option Name Manager
a) Order (This is the sort order the Option Name displays on the screen.)
b) Select an Option Type:
- Dropdown (note when only 1 option value this will automatically be switched to a Radio Button and later when more than one value it will automatically switch to the dropdown)
- Radio Button
- Checkbox
- TEXT (this does not get an Option Value)
- FILE (This does not get an Option Value)
- READONLY (this is for Display Purposes Only and is not part of a calculation nor does it appear in the Shopping Cart or the Order. It is more or less an Informational Attribute that can be used with 1 to many products and then, later, changed in one place to change on all products.)
On some Option Names, based on the Type ... there are more settings if you Edit the Option Name:
For Option Type TEXT:
- Comments
- Max Display Size (size of input box on screen)
- Max Length (max number of characters/spaces)
For Option Type Radio buttons and checkboxes:
- There are choices of image layout
Defining Option Values
Catalog ... Option Value Manager
a) Pick the Option Name
b) Give a Name like Red
c) Give a default Sort Order
The sort order is used if you want to globably sort your Option Values to match otherwise you can set these manually per product or later update a product, category or whole store.
Attributes Controller
Now ... you should have made several Option Names like ...- Color
- Size
- etc.
And then set the Option Values for these like:
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Green
- Blue
- Purple
- Brown
- Black
- White
- Small
- Medium
- Large
- X-Large
- X-Small
Using the Default Sort Order on these values will help you later in getting them into a nice display on the product pages.
Example, to create the Option Values for the Option Name Color:
Option Name Color
Option Value Red
Option Sort Order 10
Option Name Color
Option Value Orange
Option Sort Order 20
Option Name Color
Option Value Yellow
Option Sort Order 30
Option Name Color
Option Value Green
Option Sort Order 40
Option Name Color
Option Value Blue
Option Sort Order 50
Option Name Color
Option Value Purple
Option Sort Order 60
Option Name Color
Option Value Brown
Option Sort Order 70
Option Name Color
Option Value Black
Option Sort Order 80
Option Name Color
Option Value White
Option Sort Order 90
It is also a good idea to make a Default Option Value that the Customer cannot add to the cart to force the Customer to make a proper choice with:
Option Name Color
Option Value Pick a Color from Below (or something that suits your site best)
Option Sort Order 0
Default Attribute to be Marked Selected: YES
Use for Display Purposes Only: YES
Adding the Attributes to the Products
So now to add them to the products.
This is done via the Attributes Controller
a) Select a Product to add Attributes to
You can look up a product in a couple ways ...
- Either pick a Category or a Product
- When you pick a category, the ones with a * have products in them and this will display the first product Previous/Next
- When you pick a product, click display ... this sets the category to this product's master category id ... so you can now use the Previous/Next if you like.
b) Add the Attribute Option Name+Value Pairs
Once the Product is displayed that you want to add attributes to ... go to the Add Attributes box
- The Product Name should already be selected.
1. Now select the Option Name
2. Next select a matching Option Value, notice they say what kind of Option Type you have selected. ie: Blue [COLOR]
You will notice the Option Values say their names and next to them the Option Name that they match to.
3. Depending on what you want to do with attributes there are several methods to price, add weight, sort order, and mark the type of attribute this is.
Price can be entered with a prefix of + or - or blank.
+ and blank will add the attribute price
- will subtract the attribute price
Weight can be entered optionally if it effects the product weight with a prefix of + or - or blank.
+ and blank will add the attribute weight
- will subtract the attribute weight
There are other pricing options also available besides the standard prices.
- One Time Charge
- Price Factor
- One Time Charge Price Factor
- Attribute Qty Price
- One Time Attribute Qty Price
- For TEXT
- Price per word and free words
- Price per letter and free letters
4. Then there are the Attribute Flags in the colored boxes.
These are used to help distinguish other features of the attribute such as:
- Use for display only (attribute cannot be selected and added to cart. Good for things like "Select from Below" to force the customer to make their own choice and not just hit Add to Cart and get a pink snail instead of a blue snail.
- Attribute is Free when product is Free (Some products you may set to Free ... but the some attributes are free and some attributes cost money.)
- Default Attribute (Should be used especially on Radio buttons, or if you have an attribute you prefer the customer selects.)
- Apply Discounts used by Product Sale/Special (this will apply the same type of discount that the product is getting from the products_price vs the special or sale price.)
- Include in Base Price (when products are priced by attributes mark the attributes include in base price then the lowest price in each Option Name group are added together to make up the product price. NOTE: when not the product is not marked priced by attribute this setting has no effect on the price.)
- Attribute Required for TEXT (Some text is required text and cannot be left blank by the customer.)
6. Be sure to click Add to add the newly-defined Attribute.
You can always edit or delete them after adding.
When done ... you can update the sort orders for the product to the Option Value sort order by pressing the button at the top of the page.
Downloadable Products
Note: if you plan on using downloads, be sure you have configured your Attribute Settings for the files. See Admin -> Configuration -> Attribute Settings.
Follow this link: to an FAQ on configuring downloadable attributes.
Defining Option Names:
How to add multiple images to a product in zen cart?
by: Ajeh - Linda McGrath
The concept of multiple images is best explained using an example:
From the Admin, you edit a product and specify an image file called:
and put it in the
/images/dvd directory via the drop down.
Now you use your FTP program to upload additional images to /images/dvd
I used the numbers so these would load in order, as the additional images are loaded alpha/numeric.
For the large image (used in popups) I use FTP and upload:
For the medium image (used as the main image on the product_info page) I upload via FTP:
NOTE: There is ONLY ONE ( 1 ) Medium Image used per Product on the Product Info page: (pages named product_info, product_music_info etc.) The naming is related directly to the original image.
Now you do not need to use subdirectories for loading your images.
All images can be loaded to:
I use the suffixes so when looking at 2000 images I can tell what size I am really looking at just from the name. (Very handy for troubleshooting whether the right image is being loaded.)
In a future release, this will be more automated with options for auto-generating the thumb and medium based on dpi, height, width and compression ratio
For now, it uses the same directories that the auto-generated would use, but you do the FTP manually for the different sizes and additional images.
The suffix of _MED and _LRG is optionally defined but very handy for distinguishing image names from a visual standpoint.
The medium images are kept in the /images/medium directory and the large in the /images/large directory
Additional images can be the base name of the original image plus anything after that. For example:
Original Image: fred.jpg
All of these are considered additional images because they contain the base image name PROVIDED you are in the /images directory:
The advantage of the numbering on the additional images like: _01 _02 _03 is that they will sort in this order when displayed.
These images are places in the same directory as the main image such as /images
The large image match would then go in /images/large or /images/large with the Admin defined suffix added to it of _LRG
However ... if using SUBDIRECTORIES such as /images/mystuff then you need the underscore ( _ ):
Original Image: fred.jpg
All of these are considered additional images because they contain the base image name PROVIDED you are in the /images/mystuff subdirectory or /images/dvd or any other subdirectory of /images:
The advantage of the numbering on the additional images like: _01 _02 _03 is that they will sort in this order when displayed.
These images are places in the same directory as the main image such as /images/mystuff or /images/dvd
The large image match would then go in /images/large/mystuff or /images/large/dvd with the Admin defined suffix added to it of _LRG
While both methods are available with or without the underscore, it is recommended to utilize the underscore to avoid confusion. This also provides more flexibility on the image names. However, if you prefer to do without, both methods are available.
The use of subdirectories help on speed or directory limits, especially on slower servers or servers with limitations.
NOTE: not all files show via your FTP program when you get into the 1000s of filenames within a directory.
2) the "medium" image, which is ONLY used on the Product Info page as the primary product image. And ONLY the first "medium" image is ever used.
3) the "large" images matching the name patterns of all your thumbnails, which if the thumbnail is clicked, will show the large image.
- /images/abcd.jpg -- the thumbnail shown in all the category pages and sideboxes
- /images/medium/abcd_MED.jpg -- the main product image shown on the product page itself
- /images/large/abcd_LRG.jpg -- the large version of the main product image, which is shown if the medium image is clicked
- /images/abcd_1.jpg - extra thumbnail shown only on the bottom of the product page
- /images/large/abcd_1_LRG.jpg - large version of the abcd_1 thumbnail
- /images/abcd_2.jpg - extra thumbnail shown only on the bottom of the product page
- /images/large/abcd_2_LRG.jpg - large version of the abcd_2 thumbnail
- /images/abcd_3.jpg - extra thumbnail shown only on the bottom of the product page
- /images/large/abcd_3_LRG.jpg - large version of the abcd_3 thumbnail
b. You can edit the _MED and _LRG defined suffixes in Admin->Configuration->Images
also you can use images handler addon ,it is quite simple for one don't know how to use ftp
A product owns 1 filename ...
Note: the base image name is the original image name loaded for the product.The concept of multiple images is best explained using an example:
From the Admin, you edit a product and specify an image file called:
and put it in the
/images/dvd directory via the drop down.
Now you use your FTP program to upload additional images to /images/dvd
- a_bugs_life_01.gif
- a_bugs_life_02.gif
- a_bugs_life_03.gif
- a_bugs_life_04.gif
I used the numbers so these would load in order, as the additional images are loaded alpha/numeric.
For the large image (used in popups) I use FTP and upload:
- /images/large/dvd/a_bugs_life_01_LRG.gif
- /images/large/dvd/a_bugs_life_02_LRG.gif
- /images/large/dvd/a_bugs_life_03_LRG.gif
- /images/large/dvd/a_bugs_life_04_LRG.gif
For the medium image (used as the main image on the product_info page) I upload via FTP:
- /images/medium/dvd/a_bugs_life_MED.gif
NOTE: There is ONLY ONE ( 1 ) Medium Image used per Product on the Product Info page: (pages named product_info, product_music_info etc.) The naming is related directly to the original image.
Now you do not need to use subdirectories for loading your images.
All images can be loaded to:
- /images
- /images/large
- /images/medium
You can also change the suffix for Large and Medium from _LRG and _MED to something else or to nothing at all.I use the suffixes so when looking at 2000 images I can tell what size I am really looking at just from the name. (Very handy for troubleshooting whether the right image is being loaded.)
In a future release, this will be more automated with options for auto-generating the thumb and medium based on dpi, height, width and compression ratio
For now, it uses the same directories that the auto-generated would use, but you do the FTP manually for the different sizes and additional images.
Additional information
Note: the base image name is the original image name loaded for the product.The suffix of _MED and _LRG is optionally defined but very handy for distinguishing image names from a visual standpoint.
The medium images are kept in the /images/medium directory and the large in the /images/large directory
Additional images can be the base name of the original image plus anything after that. For example:
Original Image: fred.jpg
All of these are considered additional images because they contain the base image name PROVIDED you are in the /images directory:
The advantage of the numbering on the additional images like: _01 _02 _03 is that they will sort in this order when displayed.
These images are places in the same directory as the main image such as /images
The large image match would then go in /images/large or /images/large with the Admin defined suffix added to it of _LRG
However ... if using SUBDIRECTORIES such as /images/mystuff then you need the underscore ( _ ):
Original Image: fred.jpg
All of these are considered additional images because they contain the base image name PROVIDED you are in the /images/mystuff subdirectory or /images/dvd or any other subdirectory of /images:
The advantage of the numbering on the additional images like: _01 _02 _03 is that they will sort in this order when displayed.
These images are places in the same directory as the main image such as /images/mystuff or /images/dvd
The large image match would then go in /images/large/mystuff or /images/large/dvd with the Admin defined suffix added to it of _LRG
While both methods are available with or without the underscore, it is recommended to utilize the underscore to avoid confusion. This also provides more flexibility on the image names. However, if you prefer to do without, both methods are available.
The use of subdirectories help on speed or directory limits, especially on slower servers or servers with limitations.
NOTE: not all files show via your FTP program when you get into the 1000s of filenames within a directory.
1) the thumbnail, which is the smaller image, in the /images/ folder.2) the "medium" image, which is ONLY used on the Product Info page as the primary product image. And ONLY the first "medium" image is ever used.
3) the "large" images matching the name patterns of all your thumbnails, which if the thumbnail is clicked, will show the large image.
- /images/abcd.jpg -- the thumbnail shown in all the category pages and sideboxes
- /images/medium/abcd_MED.jpg -- the main product image shown on the product page itself
- /images/large/abcd_LRG.jpg -- the large version of the main product image, which is shown if the medium image is clicked
- /images/abcd_1.jpg - extra thumbnail shown only on the bottom of the product page
- /images/large/abcd_1_LRG.jpg - large version of the abcd_1 thumbnail
- /images/abcd_2.jpg - extra thumbnail shown only on the bottom of the product page
- /images/large/abcd_2_LRG.jpg - large version of the abcd_2 thumbnail
- /images/abcd_3.jpg - extra thumbnail shown only on the bottom of the product page
- /images/large/abcd_3_LRG.jpg - large version of the abcd_3 thumbnail
Related topics
a. Attribute images can be added to individual attribute options via Admin -> Catalog -> Option Valuesb. You can edit the _MED and _LRG defined suffixes in Admin->Configuration->Images
It is wise to NOT use the following symbols in your image filenames: + [ ] $ ' " \ / ()also you can use images handler addon ,it is quite simple for one don't know how to use ftp
How do I change or reset my Admin Password? (I lost it)
1. If you can log in to your Zen Cart admin using another account, please do so, and reset/modify the other admin password as needed via Admin->Tools->Admin Settings
2. If you can't remember your admin account or password, there's still hope.
The first thing you can try is to click the "Resend Password" button and enter the admin email address.
If for some reason that doesn't work for you, you can create a temporary admin account in order to log in.
Open your phpMyAdmin (supplied by your hosting company), select your store's database, then click the "SQL" tab and run this query:
DELETE FROM admin WHERE admin_name = 'Admin';
INSERT INTO admin (admin_name, admin_email, admin_pass, admin_level)
VALUES ('Admin', 'admin@localhost', '351683ea4e19efe34874b501fdbf9792:9b', 1);
If you are using a prefix for your database tables, you'll naturally need to add that prefix to the table name above.
ie. "... FROM/INTO prefix_admin ...".
You should now be able to login using the following details:
Username: Admin
Password: admin
Be sure to use proper case. ie. 'Admin' for username, not 'admin'.
After you log in, remember to delete this temporary admin account and create a new one from Admin->Tools->Admin Settings
2. If you can't remember your admin account or password, there's still hope.
The first thing you can try is to click the "Resend Password" button and enter the admin email address.
If for some reason that doesn't work for you, you can create a temporary admin account in order to log in.
Open your phpMyAdmin (supplied by your hosting company), select your store's database, then click the "SQL" tab and run this query:
DELETE FROM admin WHERE admin_name = 'Admin';
INSERT INTO admin (admin_name, admin_email, admin_pass, admin_level)
VALUES ('Admin', 'admin@localhost', '351683ea4e19efe34874b501fdbf9792:9b', 1);
If you are using a prefix for your database tables, you'll naturally need to add that prefix to the table name above.
ie. "... FROM/INTO prefix_admin ...".
You should now be able to login using the following details:
Username: Admin
Password: admin
Be sure to use proper case. ie. 'Admin' for username, not 'admin'.
After you log in, remember to delete this temporary admin account and create a new one from Admin->Tools->Admin Settings
How to add quantity discounts to my products in zencart?
Admin -> Catalog -> Products Price Manager
- Select the product
- Edit
- click the "add 5 blank discounts" button
- fill in the details
- Update
- Select the product
- Edit
- click the "add 5 blank discounts" button
- fill in the details
- Update
How to configure for Canadian Taxes in zencart?
Vendors operating in Canada need to accomodate numerous tax configurations to support proper tax collection on sales to customers in provinces where they are registered to sell. There's a Federal GST , HST, and provincial PST/RST.
Tax Zones / Rates configuration can be a little confusing at times, as the terms are easily and accidentally swapped ... by mistake... thus it's sometimes hard to follow the process through completely.
Hopefully this short article will help clarify.
Some contents originally written by Peter Mosier
Revised for clarity by drbyte (drbytezen AT yahoo DOT com)
Understanding Terminology
TAX CLASS = A setting assigned to PRODUCTS and to SHIPPING that's used to calculate final taxes.
TAX ZONE = A regional setting used to help determine tax rates by geography.
TAX RATE = A rate calculated by combining a product's tax class and shipping zone with the relevant tax percentage.
Zen Cart uses SHIPPING ADDRESS to determine appropriate taxes, i.e. which TAX ZONE you are shipping into. NOTE: this is the shipping address, and *NOT* the billing address.
A TAX RATE is determined by comparing SHIPPING ADDRESS to the Tax ZONE set up for the TAX RATE; and also by Tax Class assigned to each product.
You can only assign ONE TAX CLASS to a product.
In many stores, you will only have one TAX CLASS (GST/HST/PST) since all goods are either taxable or non-taxable.
When would you use different rates? One example would be if, say, CLOTHES were taxed at a different rate than BOOKS which are in turn different from DVDs. You could create a different TAX CLASS for each family ("class") of product in that case.
In the following examples, we will be dealing with only ONE tax CLASS for products.
You likely want the GST for SHIPPING to show up seperately, so we will make a separate "TAX CLASS" for "GST on Shipping".
========= PROBLEMS:
The method below shows the GST and PST totalled together on the same line (see sample output below).
Having said that, the only problem is that the two taxes are summed together onto one line.
However, the GST number is displayed, and the percentages (rates) used are displayed, and nothing is hidden, so I believe that this will be acceptable according to Federal & Provincial Gov't requirements (but I AM NOT AN ACCOUNTANT!!!!).
Best part is: IT DOESN'T REQUIRE ANY CONTRIBUTIONS!!!!! Just a careful setup of the zones.
Step-by-Step SETUP:
STEP (1): Set the location for your store:
Configuration --> My Store
- Country: Canada
- Zone: Ontario
STEP (2): Create the "Tax Zones". The are geographical regions where a particular set of tax laws applies
Locations/Taxes --> Zones Definitions
Create the Zone for all of Canada
- Zone Name: Canada GST Zone
- Description: GST (except Eastern Canada: NS, NB, NL)
Now click on the newly created "Canada GST Zone" row to drill down one level to "Sub Zones"
Click INSERT to create 10 new sub-zones, one at a time:
- Country: Canada; Zone: Alberta
- Country: Canada; Zone: British Columbia
- Country: Canada; Zone: Manitoba
- Country: Canada; Zone: Northwest Territories
- Country: Canada; Zone: Nunavut
- Country: Canada; Zone: Ontario
- Country: Canada; Zone: Prince Edward Island
- Country: Canada; Zone: Quebec
- Country: Canada; Zone: Saskatchewan
- Country: Canada; Zone: Yukon Territory
Click on "BACK" to go up one level.
Now create the Ontario Provincial Tax Zone:
Click Insert
- Zone Name: Ontario PST Zone
- Description: PST (only when shipping to Ontario)
Now click on the newly created "Ontario PST Zone" row to drill down one level to "Sub Zones"
Click INSERT to create new sub-zone:
- Country: Canada
- Zone: Ontario
Click on "BACK" to go up one level.
Now create the HST Tax Zone:
Click Insert
- Zone Name: Eastern Canada - HST Zone
- Description: NS, NB, NL
Now click on the newly created "HST Zone" row to drill down one level to "Sub Zones"
Click INSERT to create new sub-zone:
- Country: Canada; Zone: Nova Scotia
- Country: Canada; Zone: New Brunswick
- Country: Canada; Zone: Newfoundland
Do NOT create a separate Tax ZONE for Shipping. You will simply use the "Canada" tax zone for the GST Shipping tax CLASS (below).
*** Important: this means that SHIPPING GST will only be charged to destinations within Canada,
*** but NOT charged on exports.
*** According to Canada Customs & Revenue Agency (1-800-959-5525), you do *NOT* charge GST
*** on the shipping fee for EXPORTS.
STEP (3): Create the "Tax Classes"
Note: You can only assign ONE Tax CLASS to a product.
But since we want shipping GST to show up separately, we will make a seperate Tax CLASS just for it.
Locations/Taxes --> Tax Classes
create TWO (2) tax classes:
- Tax Class Title: GST/HST/PST Class
- Description: All taxable goods
- Tax Class Title: GST on Shipping
- Description: GST on shipping within Canada
Here is where it all comes together: Tax Rates.
Tax RATES associate Tax ZONES & Tax CLASSES to determine the correct Tax Rate.
HINT: The "DESCRIPTION" is what shows up on the invoice, so use it judiciously!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Locations/Taxes --> Tax Rates
create SIX (6) Tax Rates:
- Tax Class Title: GST/PST/HST Class
- Zone: Canada GST Zone
- Tax Rate (%): 6.0000
- Description: 6.0% GST#99999 99999 RT0001
- Priority: 1
/*HINT: Insert your GST# as part of DESCRIPTION and it will show up on invoice !!!
/*HINT: Leave PRIORITY at "1" for a non-cumulative tax (i.e. Ontario)
- Tax Class Title: GST/PST/HST Class /* HINT: Yes, this is the same one you just used
- Zone: Ontario PST Zone
- Tax Rate (%): 8.0000
- Description: 8.0% PST (Ontario)
- Priority: 1
/*HINT: Leave PRIORITY at "1" for a non-cumulative tax (i.e. Ontario)
but change to "2" for cumulative tax (i.e. You are a Quebec store)
- Tax Class Title: GST/PST/HST Class /* HINT: Yes, this is the same one you just used
- Zone: HST Zone
- Tax Rate (%): 14.0000
- Description: 14% HST#R99999 9999 RT0001
- Priority: 1
That takes care of taxes on products. And now, the Shipping taxes:
- Tax Class Title: GST Shipping Class
- Zone: Canada GST Zone
- Tax Rate (%): 6.0000
- Description: 6.0% GST on shipping
- Priority: 1
- Tax Class Title: GST Shipping Class
- Zone: Ontario PST Zone
- Tax Rate (%): 8.0000
- Description: 8.0% PST (shipping)
- Priority: 1
- Tax Class Title: GST Shipping Class
- Zone: HST Zone
- Tax Rate (%): 14.0000
- Description: 14% shipping HST#99999 9999 RT0001
- Priority: 1
/* HINT: The above will calculate PST on shipping. Although there might
/* be a tendenancy to think of shipping as a PST exempt service, in fact
/* the Ontario Ministry of Finance says that for calculating the PST,
/* "The total selling price includes delivery, mailing, transportation, or
/* handling charges, but does not include the GST". With the above set-up,
/* the PST for the shipping gets calculated (albeit separately).
/* If you wanted them calculated together, you could assign "GST/PST/HST Class"
/* as the Tax Class when setting up the shipping method.
/* Personally, I prefer to break it out separately.
STEP (5): Specify the appropriate Tax Class for SHIPPING MODULES
Edit whichever shipping module(s) you are using.
Tax Class: GST Shipping Class
STEP (6): Specify the appropriate Tax for PRODUCTS
This may take some time....
CATALOG --> Categories/Products
Drill down to each product. Click EDIT
The following SQL statement would be helpful:
-------- UPDATE products SET products_tax_class_id = 1 WHERE products_model NOT LIKE 'GIFT%';
(you'd need to confirm that the desired products_tax_class_id = 1, first )
Example Output:
Shipping to Ontario:
Sub-Total: $69.00
Per Item (Best Way): $10.00
8.0% PST (Ontario) + 6.0% GST #99999 9999 RT0001: $9.66
6.0% GST (shipping) + 8.0% PST (shipping): $ 1.40
Total: $90.06
Shipping into the HST zone (NB, NS, or NL):
Sub-Total: $69.00
Per Item (Best Way): $10.00
14% HST#R86179 1655 RT0001: $9.66
14% shipping HST#99999 9999 RT0001: $ 1.40
Total: $90.06
Shipping to Canada, but non-HST, and non-Ontario:
Sub-Total: $69.00
Per Item (Best Way): $10.00
6.0% GST # 99999 9999 RT0001: $ 4.25
6.0% GST (shipping): $ 0.60
Total: $83.74
Shipping to non-Canada zone:
Sub-Total: $69.00
Per Item (Best Way): $10.00
Total: $79.00
Tax Zones / Rates configuration can be a little confusing at times, as the terms are easily and accidentally swapped ... by mistake... thus it's sometimes hard to follow the process through completely.
Hopefully this short article will help clarify.
Some contents originally written by Peter Mosier
Revised for clarity by drbyte (drbytezen AT yahoo DOT com)
Understanding Terminology
TAX CLASS = A setting assigned to PRODUCTS and to SHIPPING that's used to calculate final taxes.
TAX ZONE = A regional setting used to help determine tax rates by geography.
TAX RATE = A rate calculated by combining a product's tax class and shipping zone with the relevant tax percentage.
Zen Cart uses SHIPPING ADDRESS to determine appropriate taxes, i.e. which TAX ZONE you are shipping into. NOTE: this is the shipping address, and *NOT* the billing address.
A TAX RATE is determined by comparing SHIPPING ADDRESS to the Tax ZONE set up for the TAX RATE; and also by Tax Class assigned to each product.
You can only assign ONE TAX CLASS to a product.
In many stores, you will only have one TAX CLASS (GST/HST/PST) since all goods are either taxable or non-taxable.
When would you use different rates? One example would be if, say, CLOTHES were taxed at a different rate than BOOKS which are in turn different from DVDs. You could create a different TAX CLASS for each family ("class") of product in that case.
In the following examples, we will be dealing with only ONE tax CLASS for products.
You likely want the GST for SHIPPING to show up seperately, so we will make a separate "TAX CLASS" for "GST on Shipping".
========= PROBLEMS:
The method below shows the GST and PST totalled together on the same line (see sample output below).
Having said that, the only problem is that the two taxes are summed together onto one line.
However, the GST number is displayed, and the percentages (rates) used are displayed, and nothing is hidden, so I believe that this will be acceptable according to Federal & Provincial Gov't requirements (but I AM NOT AN ACCOUNTANT!!!!).
Best part is: IT DOESN'T REQUIRE ANY CONTRIBUTIONS!!!!! Just a careful setup of the zones.
Step-by-Step SETUP:
STEP (1): Set the location for your store:
Configuration --> My Store
- Country: Canada
- Zone: Ontario
STEP (2): Create the "Tax Zones". The are geographical regions where a particular set of tax laws applies
Locations/Taxes --> Zones Definitions
Create the Zone for all of Canada
- Zone Name: Canada GST Zone
- Description: GST (except Eastern Canada: NS, NB, NL)
Now click on the newly created "Canada GST Zone" row to drill down one level to "Sub Zones"
Click INSERT to create 10 new sub-zones, one at a time:
- Country: Canada; Zone: Alberta
- Country: Canada; Zone: British Columbia
- Country: Canada; Zone: Manitoba
- Country: Canada; Zone: Northwest Territories
- Country: Canada; Zone: Nunavut
- Country: Canada; Zone: Ontario
- Country: Canada; Zone: Prince Edward Island
- Country: Canada; Zone: Quebec
- Country: Canada; Zone: Saskatchewan
- Country: Canada; Zone: Yukon Territory
Click on "BACK" to go up one level.
Now create the Ontario Provincial Tax Zone:
Click Insert
- Zone Name: Ontario PST Zone
- Description: PST (only when shipping to Ontario)
Now click on the newly created "Ontario PST Zone" row to drill down one level to "Sub Zones"
Click INSERT to create new sub-zone:
- Country: Canada
- Zone: Ontario
Click on "BACK" to go up one level.
Now create the HST Tax Zone:
Click Insert
- Zone Name: Eastern Canada - HST Zone
- Description: NS, NB, NL
Now click on the newly created "HST Zone" row to drill down one level to "Sub Zones"
Click INSERT to create new sub-zone:
- Country: Canada; Zone: Nova Scotia
- Country: Canada; Zone: New Brunswick
- Country: Canada; Zone: Newfoundland
Do NOT create a separate Tax ZONE for Shipping. You will simply use the "Canada" tax zone for the GST Shipping tax CLASS (below).
*** Important: this means that SHIPPING GST will only be charged to destinations within Canada,
*** but NOT charged on exports.
*** According to Canada Customs & Revenue Agency (1-800-959-5525), you do *NOT* charge GST
*** on the shipping fee for EXPORTS.
STEP (3): Create the "Tax Classes"
Note: You can only assign ONE Tax CLASS to a product.
But since we want shipping GST to show up separately, we will make a seperate Tax CLASS just for it.
Locations/Taxes --> Tax Classes
create TWO (2) tax classes:
- Tax Class Title: GST/HST/PST Class
- Description: All taxable goods
- Tax Class Title: GST on Shipping
- Description: GST on shipping within Canada
Here is where it all comes together: Tax Rates.
Tax RATES associate Tax ZONES & Tax CLASSES to determine the correct Tax Rate.
HINT: The "DESCRIPTION" is what shows up on the invoice, so use it judiciously!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Locations/Taxes --> Tax Rates
create SIX (6) Tax Rates:
- Tax Class Title: GST/PST/HST Class
- Zone: Canada GST Zone
- Tax Rate (%): 6.0000
- Description: 6.0% GST#99999 99999 RT0001
- Priority: 1
/*HINT: Insert your GST# as part of DESCRIPTION and it will show up on invoice !!!
/*HINT: Leave PRIORITY at "1" for a non-cumulative tax (i.e. Ontario)
- Tax Class Title: GST/PST/HST Class /* HINT: Yes, this is the same one you just used
- Zone: Ontario PST Zone
- Tax Rate (%): 8.0000
- Description: 8.0% PST (Ontario)
- Priority: 1
/*HINT: Leave PRIORITY at "1" for a non-cumulative tax (i.e. Ontario)
but change to "2" for cumulative tax (i.e. You are a Quebec store)
- Tax Class Title: GST/PST/HST Class /* HINT: Yes, this is the same one you just used
- Zone: HST Zone
- Tax Rate (%): 14.0000
- Description: 14% HST#R99999 9999 RT0001
- Priority: 1
That takes care of taxes on products. And now, the Shipping taxes:
- Tax Class Title: GST Shipping Class
- Zone: Canada GST Zone
- Tax Rate (%): 6.0000
- Description: 6.0% GST on shipping
- Priority: 1
- Tax Class Title: GST Shipping Class
- Zone: Ontario PST Zone
- Tax Rate (%): 8.0000
- Description: 8.0% PST (shipping)
- Priority: 1
- Tax Class Title: GST Shipping Class
- Zone: HST Zone
- Tax Rate (%): 14.0000
- Description: 14% shipping HST#99999 9999 RT0001
- Priority: 1
/* HINT: The above will calculate PST on shipping. Although there might
/* be a tendenancy to think of shipping as a PST exempt service, in fact
/* the Ontario Ministry of Finance says that for calculating the PST,
/* "The total selling price includes delivery, mailing, transportation, or
/* handling charges, but does not include the GST". With the above set-up,
/* the PST for the shipping gets calculated (albeit separately).
/* If you wanted them calculated together, you could assign "GST/PST/HST Class"
/* as the Tax Class when setting up the shipping method.
/* Personally, I prefer to break it out separately.
STEP (5): Specify the appropriate Tax Class for SHIPPING MODULES
Edit whichever shipping module(s) you are using.
Tax Class: GST Shipping Class
STEP (6): Specify the appropriate Tax for PRODUCTS
This may take some time....
CATALOG --> Categories/Products
Drill down to each product. Click EDIT
The following SQL statement would be helpful:
-------- UPDATE products SET products_tax_class_id = 1 WHERE products_model NOT LIKE 'GIFT%';
(you'd need to confirm that the desired products_tax_class_id = 1, first )
Example Output:
Shipping to Ontario:
Sub-Total: $69.00
Per Item (Best Way): $10.00
8.0% PST (Ontario) + 6.0% GST #99999 9999 RT0001: $9.66
6.0% GST (shipping) + 8.0% PST (shipping): $ 1.40
Total: $90.06
Shipping into the HST zone (NB, NS, or NL):
Sub-Total: $69.00
Per Item (Best Way): $10.00
14% HST#R86179 1655 RT0001: $9.66
14% shipping HST#99999 9999 RT0001: $ 1.40
Total: $90.06
Shipping to Canada, but non-HST, and non-Ontario:
Sub-Total: $69.00
Per Item (Best Way): $10.00
6.0% GST # 99999 9999 RT0001: $ 4.25
6.0% GST (shipping): $ 0.60
Total: $83.74
Shipping to non-Canada zone:
Sub-Total: $69.00
Per Item (Best Way): $10.00
Total: $79.00
How to configure the taxes in zencart? (US state sales tax - single rate)
FIRST, set your store's zone properly:
Admin > Configuration > My Store > Zone
Choose your country and zone from the lists provided by the edit button.
Here is an example, for setting up taxes for the state of Colorado:
Go to:
Admin > Locations/Taxes > Zones Definitions > Insert
Zone Name: Colorado
Description: Colorado State Sales Tax (or whatever you like)
click on 'insert'
Click on 'Details' after creating a zone
Click on 'Insert'
Country = United States
Zone = Colorado
Click on 'insert'
Go to:
Admin > Locations/Taxes > Tax Classes
Click on 'New Tax Class'
Title = Taxable Goods
Description = Whatever you like
Click on 'insert'
Go to:
Admin > Locations/Taxes > Tax Rates
Click on 'New Tax Rate'
Select your zone, 'Colorado'
Set your tax rate
give it a description, ex: Colorado State Sales Tax
Click on insert
Last, make sure you apply the new tax class that you created (Taxable Goods) to any and all products that you might be charging tax on.
To make this faster when adding new products, in the Admin area, you can select a default Tax Class to be applied to all new products you create, by selecting "Catalog -> Product Types -> (choose a product type) -> Edit Layout -> Default Tax Class
Admin > Configuration > My Store > Zone
Choose your country and zone from the lists provided by the edit button.
Here is an example, for setting up taxes for the state of Colorado:
Go to:
Admin > Locations/Taxes > Zones Definitions > Insert
Zone Name: Colorado
Description: Colorado State Sales Tax (or whatever you like)
click on 'insert'
Click on 'Details' after creating a zone
Click on 'Insert'
Country = United States
Zone = Colorado
Click on 'insert'
Go to:
Admin > Locations/Taxes > Tax Classes
Click on 'New Tax Class'
Title = Taxable Goods
Description = Whatever you like
Click on 'insert'
Go to:
Admin > Locations/Taxes > Tax Rates
Click on 'New Tax Rate'
Select your zone, 'Colorado'
Set your tax rate
give it a description, ex: Colorado State Sales Tax
Click on insert
Last, make sure you apply the new tax class that you created (Taxable Goods) to any and all products that you might be charging tax on.
To make this faster when adding new products, in the Admin area, you can select a default Tax Class to be applied to all new products you create, by selecting "Catalog -> Product Types -> (choose a product type) -> Edit Layout -> Default Tax Class
How to delete a category in zencart?
Open the Admin, point your cursor at Catalog in the top menu. Choose Categories/Products from the drop down menu. On the new page, click the "X" icon (red) on the right side of the page.
From the next page, choose Delete or Cancel.
NOTE: Deleting a top level category will remove the subcategories and products it contains.
From the next page, choose Delete or Cancel.
NOTE: Deleting a top level category will remove the subcategories and products it contains.
How to disable the category/inventory counts (the numbers beside the category links) in zencart?
Open your Admin. Put your cursor over the Configuration in the top menu, choose My Store. Locate the "Show Category Counts" option. Turn it off.
How to enable free shipping for orders more than $XX in zencart?
Open your Admin, point your cursor at Modules on the top menu, choose Order Total from the dropdown. Then select Shipping from the list. If the module is not installed click the install. After it is installed click edit and configure to allow free shipping.
How to get my store home page to open to a certain category in zen cart?
Open the Admin, point your cursor at Configuration in the top menu. Choose Layout Settings from the drop down menu.
Find "Main Page - Opens with Category"
Type in the category you wish to open to (example: 25 or 3_10 or 24_41_79), and save.
Find "Main Page - Opens with Category"
Type in the category you wish to open to (example: 25 or 3_10 or 24_41_79), and save.
IN zen cart How to reset the Downloads Counter for a Purchased Product?
"I sell a digital product and a customer misplaced his download. Is there a way to update recent purchase and simply add two or three more downloads?"
Sure ... Admin->Customers->Orders ... find his order..... Edit it ... at the bottom where you can update the Order Status, change it to "Update" and click the Update button. You might want to add some comments in the "Comments" box explaining the update, which will be emailed to them.
Changing to "Update" will re-enable it for the number of days and number of downloads set in Admin->Configuration->Attribute Settings (by default: 7 days, 5 downloads).
Sure ... Admin->Customers->Orders ... find his order..... Edit it ... at the bottom where you can update the Order Status, change it to "Update" and click the Update button. You might want to add some comments in the "Comments" box explaining the update, which will be emailed to them.
Changing to "Update" will re-enable it for the number of days and number of downloads set in Admin->Configuration->Attribute Settings (by default: 7 days, 5 downloads).
In zencart How do I set a default Tax Class for new-products?
Is there a way I can get it to select a certain Tax class automatically from Tax Class to Products Price (Net): i.e. without having select the Tax in admin via entering products?
1. Find out the tax class ID number in Admin> Locations/Taxes> Tax Classes
Click on the desired tax class.
Click Edit
look in the URL for &tID=
grab the number from that (likely 1 or 2 or something)
2. Admin> Catalog> Product Types
Select the product type you're using, and click Edit Layout
Near the bottom of the list that appears, choose:
Product Price Tax Class Default - When adding new products?
and enter the tax class ID number you obtained in step 1 above.
Ta-Da! Next time you add a product, the tax class is pre-selected.
1. Find out the tax class ID number in Admin> Locations/Taxes> Tax Classes
Click on the desired tax class.
Click Edit
look in the URL for &tID=
grab the number from that (likely 1 or 2 or something)
2. Admin> Catalog> Product Types
Select the product type you're using, and click Edit Layout
Near the bottom of the list that appears, choose:
Product Price Tax Class Default - When adding new products?
and enter the tax class ID number you obtained in step 1 above.
Ta-Da! Next time you add a product, the tax class is pre-selected.
How to set up zen cart Banner Ads?
by Ajeh
You can control your banners in Admin> Tools> Banner Manager.
You will see that you can add delete and edit the banners at will.
To add a new banner, click the "New Banner" button.
To edit an existing one and change its link, its picture, etc, click on the banner you want to change, and click the "Edit" button.
You can enable and disable any particular banner by clicking on the red/green status button.
You might want to set the banner status to off for banners you don't want to show until you are more familiar with them so you can use them as examples. You are not obligated to show any of the banners distributed with the Zen Cart ZIP.
There are 2 styles of banners.
sidebox and wide banners.....
Sidebox banners are narrower and designed to fit in a sidebox.
Wide Banners are designed to span the width of your page... (the images should be wide, but not too tall).
You can give almost whatever group name you want to a banner. Banners in the same group will be randomly displayed one at a time in the position indicated in Layout Settings (see below).
You control which group of banners is "displayed where" by editing the "Banner Display Groups" position group names under
Admin->Configuration->Layout Settings.
Displaying MORE THAN ONE Banner within a group at a time. The BannersAll group is designed for "1-to-many" static banners.
You can only use 1 Banner Group on this particular sidebox, unlike the other banners where you can have multiple Banner Groups.
I called it BannersAll so it would be easy to remember.
Add your banner(s) just like you normally would and add to the BannersAll Group
If BannersAll is not in your list in the dropdown type it in so it will be for now on.
If you do not have the BannersAll defined for the Layout Settings for the following, do so now:
Banner Display Group - Side Box banner_box_all
If using multiple banners and you would like them to appear in a particular order add the sort order to them.
I number these 10, 20, 30 etc. so that I can easily insert new ones in between without having to renumber them all in the future.
Note: you can have a bazillion Banner Groups defined and put them together in the 8 various banner positions.
It is the BannersAll that is the only exception to this rule.
Banner sizes are your choice as well.
There are Internet standard sizes for consistency, but you can make them any size that you want and mix and match the sizes depending on your layout.
You can control your banners in Admin> Tools> Banner Manager.
You will see that you can add delete and edit the banners at will.
To add a new banner, click the "New Banner" button.
To edit an existing one and change its link, its picture, etc, click on the banner you want to change, and click the "Edit" button.
You can enable and disable any particular banner by clicking on the red/green status button.
You might want to set the banner status to off for banners you don't want to show until you are more familiar with them so you can use them as examples. You are not obligated to show any of the banners distributed with the Zen Cart ZIP.
There are 2 styles of banners.
sidebox and wide banners.....
Sidebox banners are narrower and designed to fit in a sidebox.
Wide Banners are designed to span the width of your page... (the images should be wide, but not too tall).
You can give almost whatever group name you want to a banner. Banners in the same group will be randomly displayed one at a time in the position indicated in Layout Settings (see below).
You control which group of banners is "displayed where" by editing the "Banner Display Groups" position group names under
Admin->Configuration->Layout Settings.
Displaying MORE THAN ONE Banner within a group at a time. The BannersAll group is designed for "1-to-many" static banners.
You can only use 1 Banner Group on this particular sidebox, unlike the other banners where you can have multiple Banner Groups.
I called it BannersAll so it would be easy to remember.
Add your banner(s) just like you normally would and add to the BannersAll Group
If BannersAll is not in your list in the dropdown type it in so it will be for now on.
If you do not have the BannersAll defined for the Layout Settings for the following, do so now:
Banner Display Group - Side Box banner_box_all
If using multiple banners and you would like them to appear in a particular order add the sort order to them.
I number these 10, 20, 30 etc. so that I can easily insert new ones in between without having to renumber them all in the future.
Note: you can have a bazillion Banner Groups defined and put them together in the 8 various banner positions.
It is the BannersAll that is the only exception to this rule.
Banner sizes are your choice as well.
There are Internet standard sizes for consistency, but you can make them any size that you want and mix and match the sizes depending on your layout.
In zencart How do I set up Gift Certificates?
To sell Gift Certificates in your store, you need to create them as specific products (according to special requirements, outlined below):
1. In the Admin, make a new category called Gift Certificates. Add a product to the category called Gift Certificates.
2. On the Product Information Page fill in the blanks as follows:
4. Now go to Modules->Order Total and click Install to install and/or Edit to configure the ot_gv Gift Certificate module.
After the Administrator has approved the Gift Certificate (There's a "release" button in admin area if someone buys one), THEN the Gift Certificate funds are made available to the customer.
Upon release/approval, they are sent an email with a redemption code. When they redeem that code either by clicking on the link or by keying in the code on the checkout-payment page (or the gv-redemption screen), then the customer will have GV funds available to them for use in that or future transactions.
The customer can then USE those funds for themselves, OR they can email them to friend(s) via the links provided automatically in the store (esp shopping cart sidebox). They can email as much as they want, to various people, up to the amount they've purchased. Whoever they email it to will receive a new redemption code and will follow the same redemption process ... and can email the funds again if they wish.
How do I sell Gift Certificates?
1. Create Gift Certificate products as described above
2. Enable the Gift Certificate order-total module, as described above
3. Draw attention to gift certificates on your store, perhaps by creating a home-page graphic with a link to your gift-certificates category. Sometimes people will create a new sidebox just for drawing attention to this sort of thing.
4. When Gift Certificates are purchased, be sure to log into your Admin area and release them if you've configured it to queue them rather than auto-release them.
1. In the Admin, make a new category called Gift Certificates. Add a product to the category called Gift Certificates.
2. On the Product Information Page fill in the blanks as follows:
- Products Status: In Stock
- Date Available: leave blank
- Products Manufacturer: leave blank
- Products Name: Gift Certificate
- Product is Free: No
- Product is Call for Price: No
- Product Priced by Attributes: Yes No
This is up to you, if you choose to price by attributes you only need a single 'product'. - Tax Class: choose appropriate
- Products Price (Net): Your price or zero if pricing by attibutes.
- Products Price (Gross): figured automatically
- Virtual Products do not have a shipping charge and do not require a shipping address such a Services, Gift Certificates, etc. Always Free Shipping does not have a shipping charge, but do require a shipping address Downloads are assumed to be Virtual Products - Neither option needs to be marked
- Product is Virtual: Yes, Skip Shipping
- Always Free Shipping: No.
- Products Quantity Box Shows: Yes, Show
- Product Qty Minimum: leave blank
- Product Qty Maximum: 0 = Unlimited, 1 = No Qty Boxes or Max ##
- Product Qty Units: leave blank
- Product Qty Min/Unit Mix: leave blank
- Products Description: Your description.
- Products Quantity: leave blank or put in a large number to track number sold.
If you are finding that you cannot add a Gift Certificate to your cart while shopping, try adding a quantity here! - Products Model: GIFT-xxxxx
- The model MUST begin with GIFT
- Products Image: Upload an image
- Upload to directory: choose directory
- Products URL: leave blank
- Products Weight: leave blank
4. Now go to Modules->Order Total and click Install to install and/or Edit to configure the ot_gv Gift Certificate module.
After the Administrator has approved the Gift Certificate (There's a "release" button in admin area if someone buys one), THEN the Gift Certificate funds are made available to the customer.
Upon release/approval, they are sent an email with a redemption code. When they redeem that code either by clicking on the link or by keying in the code on the checkout-payment page (or the gv-redemption screen), then the customer will have GV funds available to them for use in that or future transactions.
The customer can then USE those funds for themselves, OR they can email them to friend(s) via the links provided automatically in the store (esp shopping cart sidebox). They can email as much as they want, to various people, up to the amount they've purchased. Whoever they email it to will receive a new redemption code and will follow the same redemption process ... and can email the funds again if they wish.
How do I sell Gift Certificates?
1. Create Gift Certificate products as described above
2. Enable the Gift Certificate order-total module, as described above
3. Draw attention to gift certificates on your store, perhaps by creating a home-page graphic with a link to your gift-certificates category. Sometimes people will create a new sidebox just for drawing attention to this sort of thing.
4. When Gift Certificates are purchased, be sure to log into your Admin area and release them if you've configured it to queue them rather than auto-release them.
In zencart How do I set up metatags for my site, or per-product for search engines to find?
Zen Cart is built with a feature to have separate meta tags for each Category and Products -- separate from the ones on general pages.
To define meta tags for a Category, go to the Admin -> Catalog -> Categories/Products once you're there..click on the meta tag icon (the last one to the right for any given category) and set your content.
Note: A meta tag must contain keywords and description or it is not considered complete, and will be ignored.
If you want to define meta tags for individual Products, you will navigate to that product and click on the meta tag icon to define it.
Note: there are custom settings in Product Types so if you don't want, for example, products_price in the title ... you can globably set the defaults for 1 or all product types.
Common Site-Wide
To define site-wide tags such as charset, keywords and description, go to includes/languages/english/YOUR_TEMPLATE_NAME/meta_tags.php and edit that file for keywords, site title, site tagline and site description.
*NOTE:* The references to "YOUR_TEMPLATE_NAME" mean that you should use the name of the folder of your custom template that you've built for your site.
Custom Site-Wide
For meta tags not covered by the previous paragraph, copy the includes/templates/template_default/common/html_header.php file to your includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE_NAME/common/ folder. Open it up and add your own meta tag to those already there by default.
Search engines will index all of your pages ...
Build your pages to have proper text, meaning significant text, to increase their content value for search engines ...
While meta tags are helpful, they are not the end all and be all ...
The content is more significant ... the content relative to the meta tags is significant ...
Notice the custom meta tags for each Category and Product ...
Notice the categories_description and products_description ... these are highly important ... Your descriptions need to be content-rich and keyword-rich.
Lack of content is the major issue if your site is not getting good search engine rankings.
To define meta tags for a Category, go to the Admin -> Catalog -> Categories/Products once you're there..click on the meta tag icon (the last one to the right for any given category) and set your content.
Note: A meta tag must contain keywords and description or it is not considered complete, and will be ignored.
If you want to define meta tags for individual Products, you will navigate to that product and click on the meta tag icon to define it.
Note: there are custom settings in Product Types so if you don't want, for example, products_price in the title ... you can globably set the defaults for 1 or all product types.
Common Site-Wide
To define site-wide tags such as charset, keywords and description, go to includes/languages/english/YOUR_TEMPLATE_NAME/meta_tags.php and edit that file for keywords, site title, site tagline and site description.
*NOTE:* The references to "YOUR_TEMPLATE_NAME" mean that you should use the name of the folder of your custom template that you've built for your site.
Custom Site-Wide
For meta tags not covered by the previous paragraph, copy the includes/templates/template_default/common/html_header.php file to your includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE_NAME/common/ folder. Open it up and add your own meta tag to those already there by default.
Search engines will index all of your pages ...
Build your pages to have proper text, meaning significant text, to increase their content value for search engines ...
While meta tags are helpful, they are not the end all and be all ...
The content is more significant ... the content relative to the meta tags is significant ...
Notice the custom meta tags for each Category and Product ...
Notice the categories_description and products_description ... these are highly important ... Your descriptions need to be content-rich and keyword-rich.
Lack of content is the major issue if your site is not getting good search engine rankings.
In ZenCart How do I set up PayPal IPN to return to my store automatically?
Detailed setup instructions can be found here: http://www.zen-cart.com/wiki/index.php/PayPal
In brief, as an answer to just the question mentioned as the title of this article, the following applies:
1. You must have a "Premier" or "Business" PayPal account in order to use the PayPal module for receiving payments.
2. Log into your PayPal account and go to the "Profile" tab.
3. Click on "Website Payments Preferences"
4. Change Auto-Return to "On"
5. Provide return URL: http://www.mysite.com/MY_SHOP/index.php?main_page=checkout_process (for nonSSL sites) or
https://www.mysite.com/MY_SHOP/index.php?main_page=checkout_process (for sites with their own Certs) or
6. Also on the same screen, lower down: PayPal Account Optional - your choice. If you set this to "On", then people who do not have a PayPal account can still pay via their credit card through the PayPal site, without having to create a PayPal account (although they'll be encouraged to create one).
Note: The sessions work automatically. Do not change your sessions setting in the Zen Cart Admin.
In brief, as an answer to just the question mentioned as the title of this article, the following applies:
1. You must have a "Premier" or "Business" PayPal account in order to use the PayPal module for receiving payments.
2. Log into your PayPal account and go to the "Profile" tab.
3. Click on "Website Payments Preferences"
4. Change Auto-Return to "On"
5. Provide return URL: http://www.mysite.com/MY_SHOP/index.php?main_page=checkout_process (for nonSSL sites) or
https://www.mysite.com/MY_SHOP/index.php?main_page=checkout_process (for sites with their own Certs) or
6. Also on the same screen, lower down: PayPal Account Optional - your choice. If you set this to "On", then people who do not have a PayPal account can still pay via their credit card through the PayPal site, without having to create a PayPal account (although they'll be encouraged to create one).
Note: The sessions work automatically. Do not change your sessions setting in the Zen Cart Admin.
For zencart how do I set up the Zones Shipping Module?
By default, the module comes with support for 3 zones. This can be easily altered with a coding change by editing the Zones Shipping Module file (If you make this change and your Zones module is already installed/active, you'll need to record your settings, then click Remove, then click Install, and re-enter all your settings. Otherwise your change will have peculiar visual side-effects).
/includes/ modules/ shipping/ zones.php
$this->num_zones = 3;
Next, you will want to activate the module by going to the Admin, point your cursor at Modules, then clicking on Shipping. A list of all shipping modules should appear. Click on Zone Shipping. Click on the install button.
PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CURRENT SHIPPING RATES AND OTHER SETTINGS IF YOU TURN OFF THIS SHIPPING METHOD. Make sure you keep a backup of your shipping settings somewhere at all times.
If you want an additional handling charge applied to orders that use this method, set the Handling Fee field.
Next, you will need to define which countries are in each zone. Determining this might take some time and effort. You should group a set of countries that has similar shipping charges for the same weight. For instance, when shipping from the US, the countries of Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore have similar shipping rates. As an example, one of my customers is using this set of zones:
1: USA
2: Canada
3: Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, France, Germany, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Holland/Netherlands, Denmark, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, Portugal, Israel, Greece
4: Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore
5: Taiwan, China, Hong Kong
When you enter these country lists, enter them into the Zone X Countries fields, where "X" is the number of the zone. They should be entered as two character ISO country codes in all capital letters. They should be separated by commas with no spaces or other punctuation. For example:
1: US
2: CA
Now you need to set up the shipping rate tables for each zone. Again, some time and effort will go into setting the appropriate rates. You will define a set of weight ranges and the shipping price for each range. For instance, you might want an order than weighs more than 0 and less than or equal to 3 to cost 5.50 to ship to a certain zone.
This would be defined by this: 3:5.5
You should combine a bunch of these rates together in a comma delimited list and enter them into the "Zone X Shipping Table" fields where "X" is the zone number. For example, this might be used for Zone 1:
1:3.5,2:3.95,3:5.2,4:6.45,5:7.7,6:10.4,7:11.85, 8:13.3,9:14.75,10:16.2,11:17.65,12:19.1,13:20.55,14:22,15:23.45
The above example includes weights over 0 and up to 15. Note that units are not specified in this explanation since they should be specific to your locale.
For instance: 999:1000
If you want to be able to ship to any country in the world, you will need to enter every country code into the Country fields. For most shops, you will not want to enter every country. This is often because of too much fraud from certain places. If a country is not listed, then the module will add a $0.00 shipping charge and will indicate that shipping is not available to that destination.
Lastly, there is a limit of 255 characters on each of the Zone Shipping Tables and Zone Countries. This can be changed in the database to suit your needs.
/includes/ modules/ shipping/ zones.php
$this->num_zones = 3;
Next, you will want to activate the module by going to the Admin, point your cursor at Modules, then clicking on Shipping. A list of all shipping modules should appear. Click on Zone Shipping. Click on the install button.
PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CURRENT SHIPPING RATES AND OTHER SETTINGS IF YOU TURN OFF THIS SHIPPING METHOD. Make sure you keep a backup of your shipping settings somewhere at all times.
If you want an additional handling charge applied to orders that use this method, set the Handling Fee field.
Next, you will need to define which countries are in each zone. Determining this might take some time and effort. You should group a set of countries that has similar shipping charges for the same weight. For instance, when shipping from the US, the countries of Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore have similar shipping rates. As an example, one of my customers is using this set of zones:
1: USA
2: Canada
3: Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, France, Germany, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Holland/Netherlands, Denmark, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, Portugal, Israel, Greece
4: Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore
5: Taiwan, China, Hong Kong
When you enter these country lists, enter them into the Zone X Countries fields, where "X" is the number of the zone. They should be entered as two character ISO country codes in all capital letters. They should be separated by commas with no spaces or other punctuation. For example:
1: US
2: CA
Now you need to set up the shipping rate tables for each zone. Again, some time and effort will go into setting the appropriate rates. You will define a set of weight ranges and the shipping price for each range. For instance, you might want an order than weighs more than 0 and less than or equal to 3 to cost 5.50 to ship to a certain zone.
This would be defined by this: 3:5.5
You should combine a bunch of these rates together in a comma delimited list and enter them into the "Zone X Shipping Table" fields where "X" is the zone number. For example, this might be used for Zone 1:
1:3.5,2:3.95,3:5.2,4:6.45,5:7.7,6:10.4,7:11.85, 8:13.3,9:14.75,10:16.2,11:17.65,12:19.1,13:20.55,14:22,15:23.45
The above example includes weights over 0 and up to 15. Note that units are not specified in this explanation since they should be specific to your locale.
At this time, it does not deal with weights that are above the highest amount defined. For now, you could have one last very high range with a very high shipping rate to discourage orders of that magnitude.For instance: 999:1000
If you want to be able to ship to any country in the world, you will need to enter every country code into the Country fields. For most shops, you will not want to enter every country. This is often because of too much fraud from certain places. If a country is not listed, then the module will add a $0.00 shipping charge and will indicate that shipping is not available to that destination.
Lastly, there is a limit of 255 characters on each of the Zone Shipping Tables and Zone Countries. This can be changed in the database to suit your needs.
How do I set up VAT in Zen Cart?
Contributed by wilt
UK Tax, First of all although it will help UK customers enter their address you do not need to add counties to the database to get the tax to work.
Heres how to do it, and I am assuming here that you want to have VAT added for goods shipping to any EEC country.
Admin->Locations/Taxes->Zone Definitions
Click on insert.
Name of Zone EEC VAT Zone
Description EEC Countries Zone for VAT
Now click on the details button, or the folder Icon next to EEC VAT Zone
Click on Insert - Select United kingdom for the country - Click on insert
Click on Insert - Select Germany for the country - Click on insert
Click on Insert - Select France for the country - Click on insert
repeat this for all countries in the EEC
Now goto to Admin->Locations/Taxes->Tax Classes make sure that there is an entry called taxable goods. If not create one.
Now goto to Admin->Locations/Taxes->Tax Rates
Click on new tax rate
Tax Class Title should be - Taxable Goods
Zone should be - EEC VAT Zone
Tax Rate - 17.5
Description - VAT 17.5% or similar
priority can be left blank - Click on insert
Note the above assumes you have no zone definitions/tax rates already set up. If you do just delete them.
Now any goods that you wish to charge VAT on must have their tax class set to Taxable goods. You can do this on the product edit screen.
Finally, just to be safe. In Admin->Configuration->My Store make sure that the basis of product tax = shipping
UK Tax, First of all although it will help UK customers enter their address you do not need to add counties to the database to get the tax to work.
Heres how to do it, and I am assuming here that you want to have VAT added for goods shipping to any EEC country.
Admin->Locations/Taxes->Zone Definitions
Click on insert.
Name of Zone EEC VAT Zone
Description EEC Countries Zone for VAT
Now click on the details button, or the folder Icon next to EEC VAT Zone
Click on Insert - Select United kingdom for the country - Click on insert
Click on Insert - Select Germany for the country - Click on insert
Click on Insert - Select France for the country - Click on insert
repeat this for all countries in the EEC
Now goto to Admin->Locations/Taxes->Tax Classes make sure that there is an entry called taxable goods. If not create one.
Now goto to Admin->Locations/Taxes->Tax Rates
Click on new tax rate
Tax Class Title should be - Taxable Goods
Zone should be - EEC VAT Zone
Tax Rate - 17.5
Description - VAT 17.5% or similar
priority can be left blank - Click on insert
Note the above assumes you have no zone definitions/tax rates already set up. If you do just delete them.
Now any goods that you wish to charge VAT on must have their tax class set to Taxable goods. You can do this on the product edit screen.
Finally, just to be safe. In Admin->Configuration->My Store make sure that the basis of product tax = shipping
In zen-cart how do I turn off Reviews and/or Tell A Friend?
Product Information PagesYou can enable/disable various options at the per-product-type level:
1. Open your Admin.
2. Put the cursor over Catalog on the top menu.
3. Choose Product Types from the dropdown.
4. Choose Products General (or the product type you are customizing).
5. Click Edit Layout and turn off any settings you do not want to display.
The settings for Reviews and Tell-A-Friend on this screen are related to the corresponding buttons that appear on the product-information page (for each product).
To turn off/on the Reviews and/or Tell-A-Friend sideboxes:
1. Open your Admin.
2. Put the cursor over Tools on the top menu.
3. Choose "Layout Boxes Controller" from the pulldown menu
4. You may turn various boxes off/on by editing a particular entry, making the changes, and saving the settings.
1. Open your Admin.
2. Put the cursor over Catalog on the top menu.
3. Choose Product Types from the dropdown.
4. Choose Products General (or the product type you are customizing).
5. Click Edit Layout and turn off any settings you do not want to display.
The settings for Reviews and Tell-A-Friend on this screen are related to the corresponding buttons that appear on the product-information page (for each product).
To turn off/on the Reviews and/or Tell-A-Friend sideboxes:
1. Open your Admin.
2. Put the cursor over Tools on the top menu.
3. Choose "Layout Boxes Controller" from the pulldown menu
4. You may turn various boxes off/on by editing a particular entry, making the changes, and saving the settings.
In zen cart how do I use my currency instead of US Dollars?
There are two parts to configuring your currency settings. The first is whether you want to accept more than one currency and the second is adding the new currency.
Begin by opening your Admin. Point your cursor at Configuration in the top menu, choose My Store from the drop down. If you are running your shop in a language that is not English and are going to use your native currency, click on the line that says "Switch To Default Language Currency" and change the value to true. If you are going to run the cart in English, but not use US Dollars, make sure that the "Switch To Default Language Currency" is set to false.
To add a new currency, point your cursor at Localization on the menu bar, choose Currencies from the drop down. On the page that comes up click the new currency button. Fill in the information appropriate for your currency and check the box if it is to be the default for your shop. Click the insert button, then after the page refreshes, click the update currencies button.
Begin by opening your Admin. Point your cursor at Configuration in the top menu, choose My Store from the drop down. If you are running your shop in a language that is not English and are going to use your native currency, click on the line that says "Switch To Default Language Currency" and change the value to true. If you are going to run the cart in English, but not use US Dollars, make sure that the "Switch To Default Language Currency" is set to false.
To add a new currency, point your cursor at Localization on the menu bar, choose Currencies from the drop down. On the page that comes up click the new currency button. Fill in the information appropriate for your currency and check the box if it is to be the default for your shop. Click the insert button, then after the page refreshes, click the update currencies button.
How do I use zencart Developers Toolkit?
Say, for example, you wish to change the welcome email text because you do not plan to use the "Product Reviews" feature, and don't wish it to be advertised to your customers.
1. Look at the welcome email you received as a new customer. ( You have created an account with the shop you are developing, right?)
2. Find the text in that email that you wish to change.
In this example, you desire to remove:
Products Reviews - Share your opinions on products with our other customers.
3. Copy a few of those words "exactly" to the clipboard.
Example:Quote: your opinions on products
4. Open the Developers Toolkit (Admin->Tools->Developers Tool Kit )
5. Paste those words "exactly" as they appeared on the email... into the first search box.
6. From the first drop-down, choose "All Language files..."
7. Click Search
8. You'll find that the /includes/languages/english/create_account.php file is displayed with the exact line number where the text you desire to change is located.
9. Now open that file on your PC and make your changes.
10. Upload the changes back to your server.
NOTE: It's recommended that you place your customized file in an Overrides folder, like this:
....where YOURTEMPLATE is the name of the custom template you've been developing for your site.
For more information on overrides see the Template Overrides FAQ.
1. Look at the welcome email you received as a new customer. ( You have created an account with the shop you are developing, right?)
2. Find the text in that email that you wish to change.
In this example, you desire to remove:
Products Reviews - Share your opinions on products with our other customers.
3. Copy a few of those words "exactly" to the clipboard.
Example:Quote: your opinions on products
4. Open the Developers Toolkit (Admin->Tools->Developers Tool Kit )
5. Paste those words "exactly" as they appeared on the email... into the first search box.
6. From the first drop-down, choose "All Language files..."
7. Click Search
8. You'll find that the /includes/languages/english/create_account.php file is displayed with the exact line number where the text you desire to change is located.
9. Now open that file on your PC and make your changes.
10. Upload the changes back to your server.
NOTE: It's recommended that you place your customized file in an Overrides folder, like this:
....where YOURTEMPLATE is the name of the custom template you've been developing for your site.
For more information on overrides see the Template Overrides FAQ.
I can't login to the Admin after installing Zen Cart
In most cases of difficulties logging in to the Admin area, the problem is one of:
- Admin pages won't show at all, or show without styling.
In this case, try temporarily renaming the /admin/.htaccess file to htaccess_bak to see if things operate differently.
If they do, then you need to work with your webhost to find the right way to use the supplied .htaccess security protections on your site.
- Something may be wrong with the way your site is configured to handle PHP "sessions". This is more difficult to resolve.
- Start by clearing your browser cache and clearing all cookies. ** THIS IS THE MOST COMMON PROBLEM **
- If you are using Safari for your browser, make sure you're not using "Private Browsing" mode.
- Then check to be sure that you do NOT have any software firewall applications running on your PC, as they may have been set to "disable session cookies".
- Also, make sure your browser IS allowed to accept cookies, esp from your own domain. Cookie-blocking will break your Admin area.
- Check your server's errorlog to determine if any errors are occurring at the time of the failure to login.
- If you are using "www." in your URL on one page and *not* using "www." in the URL on another page, you may have problems. This related FAQ may help: How do I force use of "www." in my URL if customers don't type it?
- Try the suggestions in this related FAQ article: http://tutorials.zen-cart.com/index.php?article=281
- Apart from browser cache and cookies problems, the most common problem is not having the HTTPS address correct in your /admin/includes/configure.php file.
See: http://tutorials.zen-cart.com/index.php?article=14
- If your admin password has been forgotten, or if you've done an admin password reset but forgot what the new password was, you'll have to reset the password via the database. See the FAQ for resetting the Admin password to default.
I moved Zen Cart to another server and now I can't log into Admin
I moved Zen Cart to another server and now I can't log into Admin. I receive the following message:
Warning: session_start():
open(C:/inetpub/www/html/store/cache\sess_9c55d6959e5e3469e810f35b66e455bb, O_RDWR) failed:
No such file or directory (2) in D:\inetpub\www\zencart\includes\functions\sessions.php on line 111
a. Use this utility for the easy way:
b. do it manually:
Use phpMyAdmin, and run the following:
UPDATE configuration set
configuration_value='D:\\inetpub\\www\\zencart\\cache' where
Make sure you set the info within the quotes to the real path to the "cache" folder within your zencart subdirectory on your webspace.
Warning: session_start():
open(C:/inetpub/www/html/store/cache\sess_9c55d6959e5e3469e810f35b66e455bb, O_RDWR) failed:
No such file or directory (2) in D:\inetpub\www\zencart\includes\functions\sessions.php on line 111
a. Use this utility for the easy way:
b. do it manually:
Use phpMyAdmin, and run the following:
UPDATE configuration set
configuration_value='D:\\inetpub\\www\\zencart\\cache' where
Make sure you set the info within the quotes to the real path to the "cache" folder within your zencart subdirectory on your webspace.
In zen cart how can I enable/disable the "New Products for [insert month]" or Featured/Special/Upcoming Products sections.
There is a "New Products for [insert month]" section on several pages, including Home Page, New-Products page, All-Products Page, (empty)Shopping Cart page, etc. These sections are called "centerboxes".
There are several "sets" of settings for the Centerboxes.
When you go to Admin->Configuration->Index Listing, you will see options like:
- Turn OFF by setting to 0 all of the ones you do NOT want to see displayed ...
The same is true on New Listing / Featured Listing / All Listing / Index Listing
For setting up the Centerboxes of the Empty Shopping Cart, use the settings on the Admin->Configuration->Stock, you will see the settings for:
There are several "sets" of settings for the Centerboxes.
When you go to Admin->Configuration->Index Listing, you will see options like:
- Show New Products on Main Page
- Show Featured Products on Main Page
- Show Special Products on Main Page
- Show Upcoming Products on Main Page
- Turn OFF by setting to 0 all of the ones you do NOT want to see displayed ...
The same is true on New Listing / Featured Listing / All Listing / Index Listing
For setting up the Centerboxes of the Empty Shopping Cart, use the settings on the Admin->Configuration->Stock, you will see the settings for:
- Show New Products on Main Page
- Show Featured Products on Main Page
- Show Special Products on Main Page
- Show Upcoming Products on Main Page
In zencart is it possible to turn off shopping cart line that says "Weight: 0lbs" in "Total Items: 1 Weight: 0lbs Amount: $38.95"?
Go to: Admin->Configuration->Shipping/Packaging
Select Display Number of Boxes and Weight Status
Choose the desired setting:
0= off
1= Boxes Only
2= Weight Only
3= Both Boxes and Weight
Go to: Admin->Configuration->Shipping/Packaging
Select Display Number of Boxes and Weight Status
Choose the desired setting:
0= off
1= Boxes Only
2= Weight Only
3= Both Boxes and Weight
For zen cart is there a way that I can check on what users with Admin access to my site are doing?
There isn't currently a Zen Cart page to do this, but each time an Admin page is called, the access date, admin ID, page accessed, page parameters and IP address are logged in the admin_activity_log table. The contents of this table can be viewed via database management tools such as phpMyAdmin.
In zen-cart is there any way to generate a report on my banner advertising?
Banner statistics are tracked on an ongoing basis. When you open the Banner Manager, you can see the last 3 days' details on-screen.
For more information, under the "Action" column, you see a small white graph symbol. Click on that to view stats for day/month/year.
For more information, under the "Action" column, you see a small white graph symbol. Click on that to view stats for day/month/year.
Why my HTMLAREA or HTML editor is not working in zen-cart
If HTMLarea or any other editor is not "running" even though selected, it is because the javascript files for the editor are not being loaded properly, either due to permissions problems, files-not-found, browser cache problems, local PC firewall/ad-block settings, or browser settings having javascript disabled/blocked.
In the case of 1.3.5, things were moved around somewhat, with the change to use the new "/editors" folder.
About 30 files in the admin were touched in order to expand the ability for other editors. If you have customizations to those files and haven't fully merged the changes, you may run into troubles.
If you set up a fresh new install of Zen Cart on your server in another folder, do you have the same problem?
If not, then one or more of the files on your server isn't up to date properly.
In the case of 1.3.5, things were moved around somewhat, with the change to use the new "/editors" folder.
About 30 files in the admin were touched in order to expand the ability for other editors. If you have customizations to those files and haven't fully merged the changes, you may run into troubles.
If you set up a fresh new install of Zen Cart on your server in another folder, do you have the same problem?
If not, then one or more of the files on your server isn't up to date properly.
In zencart Why my Payment Methods aren't showing up during checkout
During checkout, if your payment methods aren't showing up, go into Admin> Modules> Payment and check:
1. Is the payment module Installed? If not, click the Install button on the right-hand infobox.
2. Is it enabled? Some payment modules allow you to turn them on or off by clicking the Edit button and setting the status to true/false, on/off, etc.
3. Do you have any Zones associated with this payment module? If so, then likely by removing the Zone configuration from the payment module will allow you to use it during checkout.
To properly configure zones with payment modules requires that you create zones to fully match the zones to your customers' addresses. Always be sure to have at least one payment method WITHOUT any zones added to it, or else there will be customers who cannot go through checkout ... and then you'll lose a sale!
1. Is the payment module Installed? If not, click the Install button on the right-hand infobox.
2. Is it enabled? Some payment modules allow you to turn them on or off by clicking the Edit button and setting the status to true/false, on/off, etc.
3. Do you have any Zones associated with this payment module? If so, then likely by removing the Zone configuration from the payment module will allow you to use it during checkout.
To properly configure zones with payment modules requires that you create zones to fully match the zones to your customers' addresses. Always be sure to have at least one payment method WITHOUT any zones added to it, or else there will be customers who cannot go through checkout ... and then you'll lose a sale!
why my prices are displaying $0 instead of the real amount in zen cart
First, check your store from another browser, preferably on another PC. Perhaps there may be a cache/session issue which will take care of itself by flushing cache or letting sessions expire.
Then ...
If your prices are still showing 0 then you may have a very rare problem with the currencies table in your database. You should post the details of what you tried above, as well as all the steps leading up to this problem appearing ... in a post on our support forum. Be sure to include your Zen Cart version and a list of all mods, addons, contributions, and customizations you've made to your site.
Then ...
- Check all your currencies in Admin-> Localization-> Currencies.
a) Make sure you have a default currency set properly. Even if it looks right, click on it, edit it, and re-save it with "default" checked
b) Make sure your currency rates are NOT set to zero. If they are, then click Edit, set the correct real exchange rate, and save. Repeat as needed. Or use the update-currencies button.
- If that doesn't solve it, go to Admin-> Catalog-> Product Types-> choose your most common product type by clicking on it. Then click >Edit Layout
Make sure Allow Add To Cart is enabled.
- Check Admin->Configuration->My Store->"Switch to Default Language Currency". The default for this setting is 'false'. If it's set to 'true', then you'll need to check your language file (ie: english.php, for your custom template) and verify that the LANGUAGE_CURRENCY setting matches a valid currency as defined in your list of currencies from step #1 above.
- Turn on your Currencies sidebox via Admin->Tools->Layout Boxes Controller and then go back to your store, and choose a different currency. Then switch back to your main currency again. This will reset the caching which may have had your browser confused while adjusting settings above.
If your prices are still showing 0 then you may have a very rare problem with the currencies table in your database. You should post the details of what you tried above, as well as all the steps leading up to this problem appearing ... in a post on our support forum. Be sure to include your Zen Cart version and a list of all mods, addons, contributions, and customizations you've made to your site.
In zen cart how Should I charge taxes? How much do I charge?
You should consult your local tax authority for tax advice as it relates to your business. For professional assistance or "creative" strategies, you may want to consult a Tax Accountant or Attorney.
Zen Cart does not supply tax advice due to the complexities of each business and locale. Determining the right strategy is the responsibility of the shopowner. Your local tax authority should be able to direct you easily.
Just follow the tax laws of your country!
Zen Cart does not supply tax advice due to the complexities of each business and locale. Determining the right strategy is the responsibility of the shopowner. Your local tax authority should be able to direct you easily.
Just follow the tax laws of your country!
Warning in zen cart about : Your Admin login is not secure ...
If you are getting this note in your Admin area:
"Warning: Your Admin login is not secure ... either you still have default login settings for: Admin admin or have not removed or changed: demo demoonly The login(s) should be changed as soon as possible for the Security of your Shop. For additional Security for the Admin please see the /docs"
... simply go to Admin> Tools> Admin Settings
You can then add/remove administrative accounts. To secure your site, you should remove the "demo" account (if there is one), or at least change its password.
You should also make sure your admin password is not "admin"... click on the "Reset Password" button to change it. We suggest using something at least 8 characters long, and including numbers, and not dictionary words.
Futher more, it is better for you to upgrade your zencart to higher version
"Warning: Your Admin login is not secure ... either you still have default login settings for: Admin admin or have not removed or changed: demo demoonly The login(s) should be changed as soon as possible for the Security of your Shop. For additional Security for the Admin please see the /docs"
... simply go to Admin> Tools> Admin Settings
You can then add/remove administrative accounts. To secure your site, you should remove the "demo" account (if there is one), or at least change its password.
You should also make sure your admin password is not "admin"... click on the "Reset Password" button to change it. We suggest using something at least 8 characters long, and including numbers, and not dictionary words.
Futher more, it is better for you to upgrade your zencart to higher version
In zen-cart what determines if a product is "New" (New Products for XXXXX Month)
There are settings in in Admin->Configuration->Maximum Values to determine "what" New Product means ...
New Product Listing - Limited to ...
Limit the New Product Listing to
0= All Products
1= Current Month
7= 7 Days
14= 14 Days
30= 30 Days
60= 60 Days
90= 90 Days
120= 120 Days
New Product Listing - Limited to ...
Limit the New Product Listing to
0= All Products
1= Current Month
7= 7 Days
14= 14 Days
30= 30 Days
60= 60 Days
90= 90 Days
120= 120 Days
If, however, you wish to hand-pick which items show up, then turn OFF the "New Products" box, and use the "Featured Products" instead. See Admin->Catalog->Featured to pick the products.In zencart what do the numbers in the admin "Counter History for last 10 recorded days" mean?
The counter counts two things:
Session count is the number of 1st hits to your site based on unique browser sessions ... more or less this is 1st visit of the day
NOTE: this does not distinquish between someone coming to your site at 9:00am and then returning with a new session at 3:00pm on the same day
The Total is the number of pages viewed ... this counts how many pages does the customer actually go to during that session ...
The database actually contains all the days of the year, unless you delete them manually ...
The display on the Admin Home page will be for the last 10 days ... it will roll over by itself as the site is used ...
Session count is the number of 1st hits to your site based on unique browser sessions ... more or less this is 1st visit of the day
NOTE: this does not distinquish between someone coming to your site at 9:00am and then returning with a new session at 3:00pm on the same day
The Total is the number of pages viewed ... this counts how many pages does the customer actually go to during that session ...
The database actually contains all the days of the year, unless you delete them manually ...
The display on the Admin Home page will be for the last 10 days ... it will roll over by itself as the site is used ...
In zen-cart why am I seeing images for other products on my product pages?
On my product pages, I'm seeing images from other products showing under my product description. Why? How do I change this?Cause:
The "additional images" feature is causing this.Solution:
You have two options:a) rename your images so they don't share a common filename. Right now since you have one product with "abc.jpg" as the name, and another product with "abcde.jpg" as the name, both images will show for the "abc.jpg" product, because "abc" is common to both, and "abc" is the full filename of the main image of one of the products.
This is explained further in the Additional Images FAQ.
b) or turn off all extra-image functionality via Admin->Catalog->Product Types->Product General->Edit Layout->Show Additional Images = 0
Other references: Additional Images
In zen cart getting 500 or 406 or 404 or 403 errors when submitting product updates in admin pages
When updating product details (or EZ-Pages content and other areas), when certain keywords are used in the content, an error message similar to the following may appear:
Forbidden - You don't have permission to access /admin/product.php on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Sometimes the error may appear as a "500 Internal Server Error" or "406" error etc.
Many servers nowadays use a tool in their Apache Webserver software configuration called "mod_security" in order to prevent against hack attempts on the server. This tool monitors the content of words/data submitted in forms on web pages, and if certain keywords are found, it flags the entire form-submission as at-risk, and prevents the entered data from being saved.
Common keywords which may get flagged include: INSERT or LYNX or UPDATE and other commonly-used SQL commands
Possible Solutions:
1. Don't use any words which are restricted by your host's rules.2. Get your host to change or relax the mod_security rules.
3. You can try disabling mod_security for your admin area by putting this in your /admin/.htaccess file:
SecFilterInheritance Off
or this:
SecFilterScanPOST Off
If that doesn't work, you'll need to talk to your hosting company for specific assistance about ways in which *they* will allow you to override mod_security filters in your admin area.
In Zen Cart can I skip the shipping selection page when shipping is free?
Set all products as free shipping in by editing each one and setting the button in the middle of the product-info/edit screen.
Then enable the free shipping module..
This will allow shipping to totally bypass the shipping page.
Then enable the free shipping module..
This will allow shipping to totally bypass the shipping page.
In zen-cart can a customer use 2 gift certificates at a time? How?
A customer can enter as many Gift Certificates as they want on the checkout_payment page or gift-certificate redemption page, and then apply what ever portion of their Gift Certificate Balance to the order ...
NOTE: Gift Certificates can also be claimed by using the link provided in the email and logging in to claim the Gift Certificate to add it to their available balance. And then they are free to apply the amount to use against any future order during checkout on the checkout_payment ...
NOTE: Gift Certificates can also be claimed by using the link provided in the email and logging in to claim the Gift Certificate to add it to their available balance. And then they are free to apply the amount to use against any future order during checkout on the checkout_payment ...
In zen-cart are there any template overrides in the Admin area?
At the present time, there are no overrides for core files in the Admin area.
If you wish to change admin functionality, you will have to edit the core files directly. Be sure to keep a list of your changes for quick reference when upgrading.
If you wish to change admin functionality, you will have to edit the core files directly. Be sure to keep a list of your changes for quick reference when upgrading.
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